Its March 2019, Brexit is almost over ( please let it be over soon) and its time people started to drink some nice wine again! The drab, grey days of January and February are over, so is that phenomenon of Dry January (and now February or so it seems in SW17) so let’s celebrate the end of over 2 years of chaos and start to drink some fine wines again shall we! Remember ‘ Drink less and Drink better.”
So in order to lure you back into the whirly wine shop let me inform you about a few new wines imported from Whirly wines in the last few months.
Bonfanti, Valpollichella, Piedmont
From this wonderful little vineyard some really special wines. Amarone! Wow, what does this name conjure up in your mind! Big juicy, sometimes too big wines made from sun-dried grapes? Right? Bonfanti make presitgous wines of great quality and finesse. We have prestigous ” Valpolichella Amarone Gran Lombarda 2015″ DOCG, which needs 24 hours decanting time but its worth the wait. Also their ” Ripasso” Superiore 2016 and lastly their, ” Veneto Rosso Venitica Rosso Verona IGT, which is made from the same grapes as the Amarone ( Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella) but withouu the drying time. This wine is big but silky smooth and represents great value at £17.95 a bottle.
Manzone, Monforte D’Alba, Piedmont
I love Manzone’s wines. I simply adore them. Giovanni and Mauro make wines of real purpose and I admire their work and passion massively. In December 2018 Whirly wines imported some more of their wines which is a joy! They are listed below: